Introduction To International Trade And Economy

This chapter will introduce you to the field of international political economy (IPE).

Introduction to International Political Economy

International Political Economy (IPE) is a multidisciplinary field that explores the complex interactions between political and economic forces globally. IPE examines topics such as international money, finance, trade, investment, and the environment. As a field, it spans across academic disciplines including political science, economics, sociology, and history. IPE seeks to understand the power relations that condition economic transactions at the domestic, international, and global levels.

Some key topics examined in IPE include:

  • International trade and trade policy
  • International finance and monetary systems
  • Development economics and foreign aid
  • Globalization and regional integration
  • Role of international institutions like the IMF and World Bank
  • Multinational corporations and foreign direct investment
  • International migration and labor markets
  • Financial crises and economic instability
  • Environmental issues and sustainability

IPE explores how political forces shape economic interactions and vice versa. It looks at how states, intergovernmental organizations, non-state actors like NGOs and multinational corporations, as well as individuals and social groups use power to influence transnational economic relationships. The field equips us with the analytical tools to understand the political underpinnings of economic outcomes in an increasingly interconnected world.

Importance of Understanding IPE

International Political Economy (IPE) is important because it serves as an analytical tool for comprehending the intricate triangle relations among states, markets, and societies on a global scale. The scope of IPE spans across several interconnected domains:

  • Security structures - IPE examines how global financial crises can impact state military funding and conditions surrounding war, terrorism, and emerging power dynamics.

  • Production and trade - IPE investigates how crises affect foreign investment, international trade flows, and currency values.

  • Finance and monetary matters - IPE looks at institutions’ ability to respond to economic shocks and how new political players can influence domestic and international coalitions and policies.

  • Knowledge and technology - IPE explores how economic upheaval shapes consumption trends, inequality, and access to services like education and healthcare.

By studying the complex interplay between political and economic forces in these areas, IPE provides crucial insight into the rapidly integrating world economy and globalized society we live in. The analytical perspective it offers helps reveal the hidden connections tying our lives to global systems.

IPE and International Relations

In the realm of International Relations, IPE investigates the complex interactions between political and economic forces that shape relations between states. Some key issues examined include:

  • How global financial crises affect state military funding and the conditions of war or terrorism. For example, an economic recession may force states to cut military budgets, limiting their ability to engage in conflicts abroad. However, high unemployment and domestic unrest resulting from a crisis could also increase the risk of political violence.

  • Whether rising economic powers such as China and India can translate their growing economic strength into greater political influence in global affairs. Countries that were once mainly economic players are seeking more significant roles in international institutions like the United Nations, G20, and World Trade Organization. However, established powers may be reluctant to cede influence.

  • The degree of interdependence between countries based on cross-border economic ties. Higher trade and financial integration may promote peace by raising the costs of conflict. But economic interdependence can also enable the spread of economic shocks. For instance, the 2008 global financial crisis that began in the U.S. impacted countries worldwide.

  • How economic sanctions and incentives are utilized as tools of statecraft. Imposing sanctions on a country can leverage economic pain to achieve political ends but can also have indiscriminate effects on innocent populations. Alternatively, preferential trading access and other economic carrots can be offered to reward certain behavior.

In essence, IPE explores how international economic activity enables and constrains the foreign policy options of states in achieving national interests. Economic relations and motivations are deeply intertwined with political interactions between countries in the international system.

IPE and Comparative Politics

In the realm of Comparative Politics, International Political Economy delves into political institutions’ ability to respond to unemployment and the effects of emerging political forces on coalitions.

Specifically, IPE analyzes how economic crises and shifts impact domestic political structures and test their resiliency. For example, periods of high unemployment tend to increase social unrest and anti-establishment political movements. IPE examines how existing political institutions adapt policies and reforms in response, such as expanding unemployment benefits or job retraining programs. However, institutional inertia and path dependency can make implementing timely and adequate responses difficult.

IPE also looks at how new political parties and movements resulting from economic disruptions can reshape domestic political coalitions. If these emerging forces gain traction, they may be able to enact major reforms by building novel electoral coalitions. However, existing elites often resist such challenges to their power. The interplay between entrenched interests and rising populism sparked by economic changes is a key focus within comparative politics.

Understanding these complex dynamics provides insight into how global economic forces interact with and transform domestic politics. IPE equips comparative political scientists with the tools to analyze institutional resilience, coalition shifts, and the balance of power between establishment groups and counter-movements. Grasping these relationships is crucial for comprehending the political fallout from globalization and economic integration.

IPE and Sociology

From a Sociological perspective, IPE explores how economic and political dynamics affect society. This includes investigating how major events like financial crises influence consumption trends and shape inequality.

Specifically, sociologists examine how economic shocks lead to changes in consumer behavior. For example, a recession may force households to cut back on discretionary purchases, switch to cheaper brands, or postpone major expenditures. These shifting consumption patterns reveal which segments of society bear the brunt of the downturn.

Sociologists also analyze how crises exacerbate existing inequalities or create new ones along ethnic, gender, and other demographic lines. Periods of economic turmoil often disproportionately affect minorities and other marginalized groups who have fewer resources to withstand the shocks. The effects can range from reduced access to education and health care to increased housing insecurity and unemployment.

Gender inequality also tends to rise during crises as women are more likely to be laid off or experience reductions in wages and benefits. Financial necessity may even compel more women to enter the informal economy in precarious jobs. Overall, IPE provides sociologists with critical insights into how major economic events affect social stratification and equity. Analyzing these dynamics is key to understanding the societal impacts of globalization.

Politics in IPE

Politics involves creating rules for states and societies to achieve their goals, both in public and private institutions with the authority to pursue different objectives.

Governments create laws and regulations to provide structure for economic and social activity. These rules allow nations to direct activity towards desired national objectives. For example, countries may incentivize domestic manufacturing to promote economic growth and employment. Alternatively, they could create foreign investment requirements to gain access to capital and technology.

Within societies, private institutions like corporations and civic organizations also create rules to meet their goals. Corporations establish guidelines for operations, production, marketing and other business functions. Unions create collective bargaining agreements outlining wages and benefits. Advocacy groups promote policies for social causes through activism and lobbying.

IPE analyzes how the political interactions between states, private institutions, and social movements shape economic systems locally and globally. It examines how these groups use their authority and influence to pursue sometimes complementary and sometimes competing aims. Their relative power and cooperation or conflict fundamentally impacts international flows of money, trade, resources and information.

Understanding these complex dynamics provides insight into how political forces interact with economics at all levels. This knowledge helps explain economic outcomes and identify means to address economic problems through both governmental and private action. Political priorities and ideologies fundamentally drive economic systems and outcomes. IPE provides a crucial framework for analyzing how.

Perspectives on IPE

IPE is further analyzed through three dominant perspectives:

Economic Liberalism (neo-liberalism)

Economic liberalism, also known as neo-liberalism, advocates for laissez-faire policies and free market capitalism with little to no government intervention. According to economic liberals, the market is efficient at allocating resources and government intervention tends to create inefficiencies. They argue that barriers to trade, such as tariffs and regulations, negatively impact economic growth and should be reduced. Economic liberals support free trade, privatization, and deregulation.

Mercantilism (economic nationalism)

Mercantilism, also referred to as economic nationalism, focuses on maximizing exports, minimizing imports, and accumulating wealth by running trade surpluses. According to mercantilists, the global economy is zero-sum, and one nation’s gain is another’s loss. They promote protectionist trade policies like tariffs and quotas that restrict imports, subsidize domestic industries, and regulate foreign corporations. The goal is to make the nation self-sufficient, grow the economy, and increase state power.


Structuralism examines how political, social, and economic structures shape interactions between developed core countries and less-developed periphery countries. It views the global capitalist system as inherently exploitative and unequal, systematically favoring wealthy countries over poorer ones. Structuralists claim rich countries perpetuate their dominance through political influence in global institutions, multinational corporations, and control of capital flows and technology. They criticize economic liberalization for magnifying global inequality and underdevelopment. Structuralists advocate reforms like debt relief, fair trade, and technology transfers to periphery countries.

Key Issue Areas in IPE

Scholars simplify the study of the global economy by dividing it into key issue areas such as international trade, international monetary systems, multinational corporations, and economic development. These areas are deeply interconnected, and scholars examine how the political dynamics between winners and losers in the global economy shape these systems and their consequences.

International Trade

International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between countries. Key issues examined under international trade include trade policies, trade patterns and flows, and the international trade system. Scholars analyze how political factors influence trade policies and regulations and the winners and losers under different trade regimes.

International Monetary Systems

The international monetary system facilitates cross-border payments and transactions between countries. It consists of institutions, rules, and procedures that govern currency exchange rates and cross-border capital flows. Scholars examine how political interests shape international monetary policies and regulations and how these impact different countries and groups.

Multinational Corporations

Multinational corporations operate business activities in multiple countries. Their complex operations intersect with politics as they influence regulations, taxes, trade, and investment policies. Scholars analyze multinationals’ political power, how they impact host countries, and the regulatory challenges they create.

Economic Development

Economic development refers to improving economic well-being, often focusing on poorer countries working to improve standards of living. Scholars examine how political priorities and governance capacities shape development policies and outcomes. They also analyze how economic development programs impact domestic politics and power dynamics.

The interconnectivity across these issue areas creates complex dynamics that IPE scholars work to unravel. For example, trade policies impact currency values, capital flows affect corporations’ offshore operations, and development funding relies on global economic institutions. IPE provides an integrative lens to examine these multilayered economic and political relationships.

International Economics

International Economics focuses on how nations interact through trade, money flows, and investment. Micro-economics explores the benefits of trade, trade patterns, and government trade policy. Macro-economics delves into the balance of payments, exchange rate determination, international policy coordination, and the international capital market. International Economics includes both real transactions, such as international trade, and financial transactions, such as international money.

International Trade

International trade involves the exchange of products and services across borders. Countries trade with each other to obtain goods and services that they cannot produce themselves or can produce more efficiently. The benefits of international trade include greater efficiency, economies of scale, increased production, more consumer choices, and market competition. Trade allows countries to specialize in products they can produce most efficiently and import products that other countries can produce more efficiently. However, international trade can also lead to job losses in import-competing sectors. Governments influence trade through tariffs, quotas, subsidies, and trade agreements. Microeconomics analyzes the patterns of trade and the impact of government trade policies.

International Money Flows

International money flows refer to the exchange of currencies between countries for purposes of trade, investment, speculation, and policy. Money flows enable international transactions for goods, services, and assets. The balance of payments tracks money flowing in and out of a country from international trade, financial transactions, and unilateral transfers. Macroeconomics examines exchange rate determination, which impacts the prices of imports and exports. Macroeconomics also studies how central banks and governments manage international money flows through monetary policy and currency interventions. For example, quantitative easing and higher interest rates affect the value of a currency. Coordinated monetary policy between central banks can promote economic stability.

International Investment

International investment involves the transfer of assets or ownership across borders. Foreign direct investment (FDI) includes establishing foreign enterprises or acquiring foreign companies. Portfolio investment refers to purchasing minority stakes in foreign financial assets and stocks. Governments aim to attract FDI to create jobs, generate tax revenue, and facilitate technology transfer. However, some are concerned about foreign control and capital flight. Macroeconomics analyzes how the international capital market impacts interest rates, credit flows, and exchange rates between countries. The free flow of capital can exacerbate economic crises but can also provide valuable financing for developing nations.

International Business

International business serves as both a cause and a result of increasing national prosperity, providing a competitive advantage for firms. Expanded global operations allow companies to increase sales, maximize returns, achieve global scale economies, and acquire resources not available domestically. However, international business also has societal implications that must be considered.

Multinational corporations expanding abroad can contribute to job creation, currency circulation, and general economic development in host countries. This leads to rising prosperity, increasing literacy, improved nutrition, and greater access to healthcare. However, some critics argue that multinationals do not invest enough in developing local economies and communities. Questions remain around corporate social responsibility and environmental stewardship.

Globalization enabled by international business provides competitive advantages for companies in sales, profits, scale, and resources. But it also exposes domestic industries and employees to disruptive global competition. Economies can benefit from new innovations and efficiencies. But traditional sectors face pressures to innovate rapidly or lose market share to foreign rivals. Policymakers must balance these complex factors when regulating international business.

For individuals, working for multinationals or starting international ventures provides diverse experiences, expands perspectives, and creates unique career opportunities. The confidence gained from bridging different cultures helps develop cosmopolitan worldviews. But connecting people globally also enables rapid spread of harmful or unethical business practices across borders. Overall, international business integrates the world economically but raises important societal questions around shared responsibilities.